The Leading Causes of Industrial Fires

There are about 37,000 industrial fires that take place in the U.S. every year. Many of them happen because of what is called hot work. In these instances, industrial employees start fires while welding, torch cutting, soldering, and carrying out other tasks that come with an inherent risk of fire. However, there are other major… Read more »

Ways to Prevent Industrial Fires

Fires are a big risk for many industrial companies. These companies often rely on heavy-duty pieces of equipment to carry out certain tasks, and while that makes life easier on the employees who use them to work, the equipment itself can increase the chances of a fire taking place. If a piece of equipment isn’t… Read more »

The Most Common Causes of Industrial Fires

Industrial fires can cause terrible death and destruction. What are the most common causes of industrial fires? First, there’s dust— yes dust– that happens to be combustible. Materials found in metalworking, woodworking, pharmaceuticals and pretty much every other industry can end up becoming combustible in the form of dust. If and when that dust lights… Read more »